Friday, 24 June 2011

Analysing a music video...

Ed Sheeran - The A Team

The music video is unlike the norm to which we are exposed to. The video is shot entirely in black and white and is almost a 100% narrative with a short, two second shot featuring the artist, Ed Sheeran, himself. And even then, in the shot he isn't the main focus. And no lip-singing is seen.
The video is unique and really helps the audience understand the nature of the song.In class, 3/5 students had heard the song before without seeing the video and no one, including myself, actually understood the song was about hardship of living on the streets, prostitution and drugs. After watching the video, we all felt somewhat more intrigued about the song and artist. 

1 comment:

  1. You've made a good start with your analysis of this video. You still need to post Goodwin's rules and examples of different genres of music video, where yo also recognise the rules can be applied.
